With its improved formula, Ernet Spray Bathroom Cleaner removes the dirt and lime stains in your bathroom. It is rinsed easily and it provides a perfect cleanness without scrubbing.
Usage Areas
Sink, tap, closet, tiles, bathtub, shower cabin and all ceramic surfaces.
Turn the end of spraying mechanism in a way to show “>”. For spray form, leave the cover on the end open, and for foam form, leave it closed. Spray the product for 2-3 times onto the surface to be cleaned. After waiting for 1 min., wipe it. In order to get a better result on very dirty surfaces, spray Ernet Bathroom in the same quantity and wipe it after waiting for 2 min. Ernet Bathroom should never be used by being mixed with bleach or other cleaning materials.
Ernet Bathroom should never be used by being mixed with bleach or other cleaning materials.